Using job files

You can create JSON files with backup or restore settings and run them from the command line by passing the filename and path to SQribe. The SQribe data folder at ~/sqribe/ will also be searched for any specified job file, as a convenience. This is much easier than using command line arguments! Use the ".json" file extension when creating job files. The ".json" file extension does not need to be specified when using them.

And when options are not specified, defaults are used.

NOTE: If you name your files after sqribe command modes, like "backup.json", "restore.json", "help.json", or "version.json" they won't work unless you run them with the ".json" extension. We recommend that you simply avoid using these file names.

Sample usage

sqribe sample-backup.json

sqribe sample-backup

sqribe ~/Desktop/sample-backup

Backup file example

  "mode": "backup",
  "beep_on_completion": true,
  "chunk_data": false,
  "chunk_size_mb": 10,
  "compress_data": false,
  "confirm_start": true,
  "console_dark_mode": true,
  "data_exclusions": "",
  "data_source": "server=localhost; database=Adv... etc.",
  "objects": "all",
  "output_path": "~/Desktop/out",
  "max_thread_count": 4,
  "suppress_start_warnings": false,
  "turbo_mode": false

Restore file example

  "mode": "restore",
  "beep_on_completion": true,
  "confirm_start": true,
  "console_dark_mode": true,
  "data_source": "server=localhost; database=Adv... etc.",
  "erase_database": true,
  "max_thread_count": 4,
  "objects": "all",
  "script_path": "~/Desktop/out",
  "suppress_start_warnings": false,
  "table_protection": ""